Wednesday 8 November 2017


Over the course of time, As Nigerians, we've ignored the fact that "WE THE PEOPLE" are actually at the top of the food chain as far as authority is concerned in this Nation.
The APCs don't run our country. The P.D.Ps don't run our country. WE DO! (Nigerians Do). However, by dividing and engaging in political squabbles, we have allowed the government to grow so large and powerful, that it has now become the boss, progressively taking charge of all our lives. It has reached the size where it is incredibly dangerous for one half of the dividers to take control, since they can then wreak havoc on the lives of those who oppose them.

Permit me to ask;
Are we just gonna sit down, fold  our arms, cross our legs and watch the APCs, PDPs, ADPs e.t.c continue to rain havoc and send us to our early graves?

Ignorance, whether it takes the form of revisionism or laziness is hurting our nation.
If we don't have enough basic information to manage our lives, we will continue to give up our freedoms to those who promised to take care of us. It is time for us to stand up and educate ourselves and our children before we allow misinformation and ignorance to destroy our beautiful and fragile Home Nigeria.

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