Sunday 19 November 2017

The Incumbent Governor of Anambra and one
of the contenders of the just concluded
election has been declared winner by the
Independent National Electoral Commission,
INEC with a total vote of 234,071.
From results gathered Tony Nwoye of APC
came second with 98,752 votes, Oseloka
Obaze took third with 70,593 votes and Osita
Chidoka of UPP fourth with 7,746 votes.
However, Chief Willie Obiano of APGA
expressed gratitude and thanked electorates for
their support.
Read his Speech bellow:
Time to Build a New World
Being the text of the Acceptance Speech by the
Governor of Anambra State, Chief Willie
Maduaburochukwu Obiano on his Re-election
as the Governor of Anambra State on Sunday,
November 19, 2017
Ndi b’ anyi, ekenem unu
With utmost humility, I stand before you to
accept thehistoric mandate you have bestowed
on me today!
Umu nnem, the victory we savour today
belongs neither to Willie Obiano nor to our
great party, APGA. No! This sweet victory
belongs to Ndi Anambra!
It belongs to the wheel barrow pushers and the
Okada riders who have clearly seen in our
recent political experience, a glimmer of light in
the horizon.
It belongs to the farmers in Ayamelum, Onono,
Ogbaru, Omasi, Omor and Ufuma who have
now realized that Agriculture is the future of
It belongs to the teachers and civil servants
who have seen that a motivated workforce is
the greatest asset of any government and have
rewarded our faith in them with an
overwhelming verdict at the polls.
It belongs to the illustrious sons and daughters
of Anambra State who have seen the STAR of
this great state rise in the Eastern Skies and
have answered our call for Aku luo uno;
bringing home their Naira and Dollars to put
our dear state on the investment map!
This victory belongs to all of us! Umu nnem,
this victory isnot a winner takes it all. For in
the New Anambra of my dream, everyone is a
winner. Everyone!
So, I reach out a hand of brotherhood to my
fellow contestants…Oseloka, Tony, Osita,
Godwin and others whose names I cannot
easily recall here. And I say to you;my brothers,
we have all fought a good fight. But Anambra
State is the WINNER!
The interest of AnambraState is bigger than the
private ambitions of anyone of us.. Therefore, I
pray you to join hands with me and build a
better place for Ndi Anambra! Our beloved
state needs our talent and our time. The time
to build a better place is NOW!
Indeed, this victory is a referendum on the solid
resolve of Ndi Anambra to rise above average
in all we do. We have demonstrated that we
are indeed capable of taking charge of our
lives and making difficult decisions that will
brighten the future of our children. I have no
doubt in my mind that we shall continue to lay
the building blocks for a prosperous tomorrow
for all.
Ndi Anambra, this mandate is dear to my heart.
I see it as a historic call to inspire my people
to greatness. I see it as a call to deny myself
sleep that my people might sleep better. Umu
nnem, I will not give myself rest until our
beloved state has fully assumed the status of
the model state of Nigeria. This is my promise
to you all.
Fellow compatriots, this victory did not come
by chance. It is the final product of the
combined efforts of brilliant men and women
who sacrificed their personal comfort to ensure
that Anambra’s steady march to progress is
not derailed.
My first and deepest gratitude goes to the
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
President MuhammaduBuhari for proving to Ndi
Anambra that under his watch, democracy will
sink deeper roots in the Nigerian soil. Mr
President promised us a free and fair election.
Today, we can all see that he has kept his
promise. Thank you so much Mr President!
I must also thank the Independent National
Electoral Commission (INEC) for conducting
what has been widely adjudged a transparent
election in Anambra State. With this election,
INEC has shown that it has fully braced up for
the 2019 elections. Thank you so much.
I will also not forget the vigilance of the
Nigerian Police, the Nigerian Army and other
law enforcement agencies whose alertness
ensured that the expressed will of the people
was not thwarted. Indeed, you have done an
incredible job!
To the indefatigable DG of my re-election
campaign organization, Chief Victor Umeh,
Ibobo Aguleri, Ohamadike! You and the entire
Campaign Team have written your names in
gold. My immense gratitude goes to every
member of APGA, from the Ward Chairman to
the members of the National Executive Council;
you have made us proud! Chukwu gozie unu
And to all the members of the Anambra State
Traditional Rulers Council, all the PGs and
members of the various town unions across
Anambra State, all the Bishops, Reverend
Fathers and Pastors, the members of the
organized Labour, the youths of Anambra
State, the traders, the farmers, the ordinary
men and women who look up to government
for a better day, I assure you that my team and
I shall never fail you.
Indeed, Ndi Anambra, on behalf of my capable
Deputy, Dr Nkem Okeke, I thank you all for
renewing this mandate and I urge you to
prepare for the speedy transformation of
Anambra State into a prosperous sub-national
entity in the next four years.
Umu nnem, we have stepped into our finest
hour. We have finally hit the proverbial bend in
the river. Our journey into greatness is now
assured. We are ready and willing to work with
anyone who has something to share that will
make Anambra State great.
We are open to new ideas, new visions of
society and a New Hope!
God bless Anambra State
God bless Nigeria
Willie Obiano

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