Thursday 5 October 2017

International Ministers Conference 2017 Theme: BUILT TO LAST Ministering: Dr David O. Oyedepo Message: **BUILD ON THE WORD** Settle down with your caller you will not lose your calling. Don't pursue vanity, pursue vision Build on the Word and the building will last forever. The quality of every building is determined by the foundation. The life span of Every building is determined by the foundation; a faulty foundation will result in a ruptured structure. 1 Cor 3:11 Building on the Word makes you a Covenant matter that can neither be destroyed nor recreated. John 1:3 when we are aligned with the Word then we have a divine guarantee to build to last. Matt 7:24-25 Building on The Word is the only way to build to last. Anything Word built is ordained to last. Creation is Word created and they are still standing. Anything the Word builds is sure to last. *Be committed to building on revelation not on manifestation. *Be committed to building on revelation and not on Wonders *Be committed to building on insight and not on signs. Whatever is accomplished by the Word is sure to last. Psalm 112:1-10 Your great delight in building on the Word secures your posterity. Don't build on men, men are temporal. Isaiah 40:5-7. Build on the Word because the Word lives and abides forever. The Word is the key to the future. Word practice is the key to your bright future. Nobody has in his pocket what God has in plan for your destiny. Miracles may draw people, only the Word will cause them to abide. John 6:68: 4:48 Building on the Word is building to last. Everything created in those 6 days are still standing today, Putting the Word to work guarantees the future of any ministry. The difference between a struggling believer and a shining one is access to light. Proverbs 4:18 Don't wait for the other party, just play your part Light is sweet, living your life on the path of life makes your life sweet. We have not succeeded by tricks but by truth,if you succeed by tricks you will soon be trapped. Putting the Word to work guarantees the future. James 4:2 Matt 7:8 Ask questions, we serve a question answering God. Act 16:31 Deut 8:18 God's prosperity plan is not a promise but a Covenant. Jer 33:21. Evey truth of scripture applies to all. An Apostle who is not a committed giver will live in lack (you are not Melchizedek) A non-tithing pastor will have a closed heaven. Anybody can tell what tomorrow holds by doing today what God commands to do today. Your spirit man is the likeness of God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. If your spirit man sleeps the devil will make a mincemeat of you Ex 23:25-26 To stay and be thinking about death at your age is an insult to your redemption. You don't lack what you give, people only lack what they keep. Prov 11:24 It is impossible to prosper without being a giver. Raising offerings will not prosper anyone, it is the offering you give that will prosper you, don't be a professional offering collector. Psalm 34:5 The day you outgrow service is the day your promotion stops. A great coach does not make a great star, it is the commitment, diligence and sacrifice of the star that determines his placement. Proverbs 21:17;24:27 your future lies in your labour today. Build on the Word; if your prosperity comes by the Word it will last forever. Psalm 37:18-19 There is no private revelation, what God says to one he says to all. Evey truth you find, God says are you interested? Heb 1:3 The Word controls things present, the future and posterity. We see into the future through The Book. Don't look for who to serve you, look for who to serve

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