Saturday 14 October 2017



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THE FOUNDATION OF CHRIST.: Your comment mattersBuy any product from jumia tod...

THE FOUNDATION OF CHRIST.: Your comment mattersBuy any product from jumia tod...: Your comment matters Buy any product from jumia today and recieve an unexpected discount

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Your comment mattersBuy any product from jumia today and recieve an unexpected discount

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MY LATE WELCOME By Ojo Aderemi [Friday, 13 October] Greatest UItes!!! In times of despair and immense disappointments, it is not uncommon to find solace in a handful of loyal friends - after all, a friend in need is truly a friend indeed. Over the last few months, I have come to realize that all students in this great University are friends indeed. Friends to one another, friends to the authorities, and most importantly, friends to me. Greatest UItes, thank you for your friendship. I will refrain from evoking unpalatable memories of the sordid happenings that led to the shocking suspension of our Union - the only organ of the University set to actively defend the rights and advance the interest of students in the University. I dare state that rather than endlessly speak about past pains, we ought to pick lessons from the past in anticipation of future gains. Since 30th of June, 2017 when the proposed July 4 protest was suspended and students were advised to return back to their normal school activities, student leaders including myself never relented for a day in our efforts to bring back the Union. We have met several senate members who pledged their support to the Union, and promised to stand with us on this good cause. Labour Unions on campus have also actively intervened in the struggle for the reinstatement of the Union. Very recently, ASUU commendably sent a letter to the Vice Chancellor, expressing dissatisfaction with the University's continued clamp down on Students Union activities. We will also recall that the Joint Action Front of NASU, SSANU and NAAT also publicly expressed, unreservedly, their dissatisfaction in the suspension at their last congress. These and many more potent promises and apt assurances are what informed my strategic silence, and the relative calm experienced all along. We are not unaware of the various challenges students have experienced as a result of the lacuna the prolonged suspension of the union has caused. I am devastated by the poor security on campus, evident in the recent robbery attack on Obafemi Awolowo hall, the prolonged scarcity of drinkable water on campus, and irregular hike in transportation fare, ar just few of the numerous challenges we students have been facing. I wish I could instantly say that the Union will be brought back, and these challenges would be a thing of the past, but unfortunately I cannot. I cannot, not because our struggles have been fruitless, not because the promises we hold are in vain, nor because I have given up on the Union, but because quite honestly, only the University management can truly bring back the Union. And irrespective of what we do as student leaders, we can only hope and wait for the authorities to give back to us that which was swiftly stripped away from us. We made a decision to remain calm but resolute, peaceful but with the unquenchable determination to get our Union back, and while we stay true to those words, I implore every student to not give up on the reinstatement of our Union. Comrades, now more than ever, I am convinced to agree with Martin Luther King Jr that 'truth, trampled will rise again!' We March on to the days ahead with renewed energy. Let those who seek to divide us know that the cord of a common purpose unites us, and our fates in this are intertwined. That we rise and rise with unity and we fall and fall with discord. Right now, let everyone know as a matter of right and as an update that all efforts are currently concentrated towards October 18th, when there will be a Senate meeting. Then, we hope and pray that the authorities return the Union back to it's original status quo. We ask that you join us in pressurizing personalities towards this date. Trend it on Twitter, share on Facebook, talk to your Dean, bother your H. O. D, bother mum or dad (provided they are members of the Senate) let our voices once more unite as we request for what is our right. On this note, I say welcome to this new semester. There is a lot to look forward to this season. >Jaw War - the biggest debate competition in Nigeria is back, and I can assure you that it will be bigger and better. It is another opportunity to debate and provide answers to global questions, and I hope to represent my Hall/Faculty as we win the much coveted trophy; >The Union week is also another arena where we relive traditions, relax and share ideas; >I am personally excited that Kenneth Mellanby Hall and Lord Tedder Hall will be 65 years old this year, it is indeed a great celebration of excellence and rich legacies. Finally, the sincere efforts of every Executive member, Legislator, Faculty/Hall head, Student Leaders and the generality of the students' mass movement is requested, let every failing heart receive courage, let every doubting mind receive hope, let every fleeing feet receive purpose. Let us march on to days ahead with unshaken resolve, let us march on with awakened consciousness, let us march on with renewed activism, realizing that this hurdle can and will be crossed. This struggle is not for self vindication, individual remuneration or personal glorification, it is for students emancipation. Join us if you care, watch us if you wish, mock us if you will, stop us if you want, but know that the man dies in him who keeps mute in times of inequity! Viva Aluta Ojo Aderemi, Ibadan, Nigeria. *kindly rebroadcast

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Full doc showing the concentration of world bank on north as buhari order.

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Saturday 7 October 2017

Always THINK BIG. T= Talent If we recognize our talent,use them appropriately,and choose a field that uses those talent,we will rise to the top of our field. H=Honesty If we live by the rule of honesty and accept our problem,we can go down the road of achievement. I=Insight If we observe and reflect and commit ourselves to giving our best,we will come out on top. N=Nice If we are nice to others,others respond to us in the same way. K=knowledge If we make any attempt to increase our knowledge in order to use for human good,it will make a different in us and in our world. B=Book If we commit ourselves to reading,thus increasing our knowledge,only God can limit how far we can go in this world. I=in dept knowledge If we develop in dept knowledge,it will enable us to give our best to others and help to make a better world. G=GOD He his the beginning and the end so if we acknowledge our need for God,he will help us. I am Emmanuel

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3 Taiping Rebellion 1850-1864 This is one of the most massive and most bloody civil wars the world has ever known. No other event devastated nineteenth-century China like the Taiping Rebellion. It was sparked by the leadership of one man from South China, Hong Xiuquan, who in 1847 failed the imperial examinations for the third time and fell into a delirium which lasted thirty days. When he recovered, he believed that he had been chosen to conquer China and establish the Taiping Tianguo—the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Harmony. Gathering followers (at first from the poor masses), he and his recruits gradually built up an army and political organization that went on to sweep across China. By the late 1850s, they controlled over a third of the country. Their movement was so strong and popular that it took the central government millions of dollars and fifteen years to defeat them. Not until 1864 was the rebellion brutally put down; it’s estimated to have been responsible for the deaths of more than twenty million people

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Your comment mattersBradey@music plus international.

Friday 6 October 2017

No matter how good our intentions, we are all human at any time. I have written a lot about kindness and my belief in a kindness revolution. Today, I had quite a stressful day and lost my temper not once but twice. Luckily nobody saw both events but even those seeing one of the events, may say, is that the strong writer and "preacher" of kindness? I think these are real lesson in humility. We believe in values and principles, but being human, we cannot live up to them all the time. Does this mean we should not write or talk about them? I think we should not judge anybody when they are not kind or loving. None of us is always kind and loving since we are simply humans. However, if we are silent about our beliefs and values, all the negativity in the world will go without any bit of balance. So i choose not to feel too guilty about losing my temper on and off even though I try so very hard not to get angry at any time. Let us talk and write a lot about kindness and the values we believe in; it may make us stronger in the practice of these principles and values. At the same time let's be humble, do not judge others and accept our own limitations Lots of wishes for love and peace to all of you (and for myself too 😌😊😏 ).

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No matter how intelligent you are,you can not know your self more than your creator.

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Thursday 5 October 2017

A story with lessons for business & team building ======================= A Deadly Frozen Night (A True Story) ======================= There was a Jewish man named Yankel, who had a bakery, in a town, Crown Heights, Germany. He always said, "You know why I’m alive today?" He said "I was a kid, just a teenager at the time in Germany. Nazis were killing Jews with no mercy. We were on the train being taken to Auschwitz by Nazis. Night came and it was deathly cold in that compartment. The Germans left us on the side of the tracks overnight, sometimes for days, without any food. There were no blankets to keep us warm. Snow was falling everywhere. Cold winds were hitting our cheeks, every second. We were hundreds of people in that terribly cold night. No food. No water. No shelter. No blankets ". "The blood in our bodies started freezing. It was becoming ice. Beside me, there was a beloved elderly Jewish man from my hometown. He was shivering from head to toe, and looked terrible. So I wrapped my arms around him to warm him up. I hugged him tightly to give him some heat. I rubbed his arms, his legs, his face, his neck. I begged him to try to be alive. I encouraged him. All night long, I kept this man warm this way. I was tired, and freezing cold myself. My fingers were numb, but I didn’t stop rubbing heat into that old man’s body. Hours and hours went by. Finally, morning came and the sun began to shine. I looked around to see the other people. To my horror, all I could see were frozen bodies. All I could hear was deathly silence. Nobody else in that cabin were alive. That freezing night killed them all. They died from the cold. Only two people survived: the old man and me. The old man survived because I kept him warm... and I survived because I was warming him. May I tell you the secret to survival in this world? When you warm other people’s hearts, you will remain warm yourself. When you support, encourage and inspire others, then you will discover support, encouragement and inspiration in your own life as well. My friends, That is the secret to a happy life." _Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2_

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International Ministers Conference 2017 Theme: BUILT TO LAST Ministering: Dr David O. Oyedepo Message: **BUILD ON THE WORD** Settle down with your caller you will not lose your calling. Don't pursue vanity, pursue vision Build on the Word and the building will last forever. The quality of every building is determined by the foundation. The life span of Every building is determined by the foundation; a faulty foundation will result in a ruptured structure. 1 Cor 3:11 Building on the Word makes you a Covenant matter that can neither be destroyed nor recreated. John 1:3 when we are aligned with the Word then we have a divine guarantee to build to last. Matt 7:24-25 Building on The Word is the only way to build to last. Anything Word built is ordained to last. Creation is Word created and they are still standing. Anything the Word builds is sure to last. *Be committed to building on revelation not on manifestation. *Be committed to building on revelation and not on Wonders *Be committed to building on insight and not on signs. Whatever is accomplished by the Word is sure to last. Psalm 112:1-10 Your great delight in building on the Word secures your posterity. Don't build on men, men are temporal. Isaiah 40:5-7. Build on the Word because the Word lives and abides forever. The Word is the key to the future. Word practice is the key to your bright future. Nobody has in his pocket what God has in plan for your destiny. Miracles may draw people, only the Word will cause them to abide. John 6:68: 4:48 Building on the Word is building to last. Everything created in those 6 days are still standing today, Putting the Word to work guarantees the future of any ministry. The difference between a struggling believer and a shining one is access to light. Proverbs 4:18 Don't wait for the other party, just play your part Light is sweet, living your life on the path of life makes your life sweet. We have not succeeded by tricks but by truth,if you succeed by tricks you will soon be trapped. Putting the Word to work guarantees the future. James 4:2 Matt 7:8 Ask questions, we serve a question answering God. Act 16:31 Deut 8:18 God's prosperity plan is not a promise but a Covenant. Jer 33:21. Evey truth of scripture applies to all. An Apostle who is not a committed giver will live in lack (you are not Melchizedek) A non-tithing pastor will have a closed heaven. Anybody can tell what tomorrow holds by doing today what God commands to do today. Your spirit man is the likeness of God who neither sleeps nor slumbers. If your spirit man sleeps the devil will make a mincemeat of you Ex 23:25-26 To stay and be thinking about death at your age is an insult to your redemption. You don't lack what you give, people only lack what they keep. Prov 11:24 It is impossible to prosper without being a giver. Raising offerings will not prosper anyone, it is the offering you give that will prosper you, don't be a professional offering collector. Psalm 34:5 The day you outgrow service is the day your promotion stops. A great coach does not make a great star, it is the commitment, diligence and sacrifice of the star that determines his placement. Proverbs 21:17;24:27 your future lies in your labour today. Build on the Word; if your prosperity comes by the Word it will last forever. Psalm 37:18-19 There is no private revelation, what God says to one he says to all. Evey truth you find, God says are you interested? Heb 1:3 The Word controls things present, the future and posterity. We see into the future through The Book. Don't look for who to serve you, look for who to serve

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A guy slept off while waiting for his roommate, he keeps late night. As he tried turning around, a huge dark figure with flamy eyes opened his door, he wanted to scream but all strength was gone. Was it a dream or vision? He cant tell. It stared deep into his eyes and handed him a letter, he opened it....... Dear Jude, I couldn't make it home last night because I died. I thought life after death is an elusion but am here lonely and afraid in pains and in torments The torture is unending, I cant explain it but am dying a thousand times in a second. You never told me this place was for real and how to avoid it. We grew up together, went to school together and did everything in common but you never told me about this new life of yours. I asked you severally and you jokingly pushed it aside. I was a good man with a charitable heart but that didn't count here. The angel told me, am without Christ and my name is not in the book of life. I asked you yesterday morning whats this born again stuff and you said you don't want to bore me. Am in pains, can you hear the screams, the torments of the great and the less, I was told its for eternity. You betrayed our friendship, you never told me sex was fornication but you cautioned me against AIDS, you never told me getting high was drunkenness, you just told me not to drink and drive, you never told me lying was sin, all you just said was don't be caught. I hate you for this....aaaahhh am dying again here but am alive, the flames keeps getting hotter. I wish you were here. You deceived me to the end. If you had told me about Jesus and salvation I knew I couldn't be here. I died only a few hours ago, I was drunk and ran into a pole but it seems I have been here for years. Please tell my family and all our friends about salvation. Am dying again but death wont come. Its me, Henry. He woke up at about 2:45AM with a banging headache and his phone started ringing, he picked it up and what he heard scared him to his bones. "Hello, Henry is dead". Today is still another opportunity to tell someone very dear to you about Jesus Christ and His saving grace. I just told you because I will never want you to end up in HELL. HAVE YOU TOLD SOMEONE ABOUT JESUS TODAY? U can copy, share and paste in other group chats please. God will help us in this race in the mighty name of Jesus

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Sunday 1 October 2017

666666 is here already. Let’s Pray Hard: 6 6 6 The Mark Of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law. The implementation would commence soon. This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip inorder to access medical care. The device will be implemented on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST. Are you still doubting the END TIME? Do u know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST? Get READY. The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware. 1. Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the bible says it would be. Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? 2. Why is being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you wont be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus comes now? Many are unaware that the ends is near. Don’t tell me that its advancement in technology or development. If any area of your life is not in sync with God’s word repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell…think about it. Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it is for eternity… He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church. Please rather than post and forward senseless messages. Send to everyone you know. Do the work of an evangelist. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS. Have you ever wondered what should have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone? And we really can’t live without it. Only 7% percent will re-send this message. Don’t be of the 93% who will not share the message. Satan said. “I wonder how humans claim to LOVE GOD and disobey Him, and claim they hate me yet they obey me” Do not send later. Share and send now. May Almighty God grant success to everyone who reads and sends this message? AMEN. 📕 📗 📘 📙 📓 📔 📒

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666666 is here already. Let’s Pray Hard: 6 6 6 The Mark Of The Beast Prophesy Finally Fulfilled… The US Senate has passed the Obama Health Bill into law. The implementation would commence soon. This bill would require all Americans to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chip inorder to access medical care. The device will be implemented on the forehead or on the arm. This is to fulfill the prophesy in the Book of Revelation 13:15-18 concerning the MARK OF THE BEAST. Are you still doubting the END TIME? Do u know that the special car which was made for Obama is known as the BEAST? Get READY. The rapture is near! Revelations 13 is being played out right before us. Many are still unaware. 1. Why is the chip being implanted exactly where the bible says it would be. Why on the hand and forehead. Why not anywhere else? 2. Why is being connected to your bank account? Remember the Bible says you wont be able to buy or sell without the mark 6 6 6. And guess what! The chip is connected to your financial details. What breaks my heart the most is that many people in the church will not make it if Jesus comes now? Many are unaware that the ends is near. Don’t tell me that its advancement in technology or development. If any area of your life is not in sync with God’s word repent and be converted. If you miss heaven you can never miss hell…think about it. Hell is not a pretty place, the worst part is that it is for eternity… He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the church. Please rather than post and forward senseless messages. Send to everyone you know. Do the work of an evangelist. PLEASE SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR CONTACTS. Have you ever wondered what should have happened if we treat the Holy Bible the way we treat our mobile phone? And we really can’t live without it. Only 7% percent will re-send this message. Don’t be of the 93% who will not share the message. Satan said. “I wonder how humans claim to LOVE GOD and disobey Him, and claim they hate me yet they obey me” Do not send later. Share and send now. May Almighty God grant success to everyone who reads and sends this message? AMEN. 📕 📗 📘 📙 📓 📔 📒

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Happy independent Nigeria.GOD BLESS ME GOD BLESS NIGERIA

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As you rise from your bed this morning, the land you walk on today will produce blessings, the sky above you will release happiness over your life, the breeze around you will blow peace, every step you take will bring fulfilment. May He who raised heavens without pillars and built the universe without bricks bless, protect and sustain you now and forevermore.HAPPY NEW MONTH AND MORE LOVE.

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